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Two Cheers’ “Future Constellations” Shines as a Summer Anthem

Bryan Akcasu returns to form after a two-year musical hiatus.

As Two Cheers, Bryan Akcasu dropped a pair of memorable alt-pop gems in 2014 (Two Cheers) and 2015 (Splendor), but after a handful of singles and enduring a particularly rough patch in his personal life, he moved to Michigan to help support his wife and her business. Now Akcasu has returned to Los Angeles, and his latest offering is a slice of coastal bliss as uplifting and triumphant as it is melancholy.

Says Akcasu, “‘Future Constellations’ is about a night under the stars in Michigan’s wild and chilly upper peninsula, longing for something or someone never coming back: I wrote this song because back in Detroit, I had a terrible sense of loss: I missed my friends who spread out across the country, I missed my life in California, I missed my mom and grandma who had both just passed within a few months from each other, and I had the feeling of losing my innocence too, especially seeing my once happy family in so much pain and having so many hopes and plans shattered.”

You can stream the premiere of “Future Constellations” here, and should expect more tunes from Akcasu in the coming year. Until then, get caught up on his excellent body of work with this compilation Spotify playlist he put together.

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